Name of Specific Technology / Skill Transferred |
No. of Participants |
% of Adoption |
Low Tunnel Polyhouse |
60 |
85% |
Wormi Composting |
40 |
80% |
Lac Culture |
60 |
75 % |
Seed Treatment |
80 |
85 % |
Perennial Fodder Promotion |
50 |
65 % |
Improvement in knowledge:
The transfer of technology of KVK- Katia ,Sitapur has resulted in improvement in knowledge and technical skills of farmers/farm women thereby bridging the technology gaps between scientists and end users.
Social Impact :
Many farmers/rural youth motivated from the increase in socioeconomic status of other successful trainees acquire training and start the enterprise like seed production, poultry, mushroom, composite fish culture and goat rearing and/or initiate same activity and then come to KVK- Katia, Sitapur for training.
- Adoption of recommended agriculture technologies, viz. selection of variety, seed rate, seed treatment, method & time of sowing, fertilizer management, irrigation requirement, protection against insect pests and diseases resulted in increase production and productivity vis-vis farm income.
- Reduction in cost of cultivation due to adoption of zero/minimum tillage, IPM practices, resource conservation technologies such as scheduling irrigation and application of nitrogen to paddy based on tensiometer and leaf colour chart (LOC) , respectively.
- Adoption of raised bed and furrow technology at large scale by the farmers for saving irrigation water, Efficient use of fertilizers, better weed control and higher crop yield as compared to traditional practices.
- Adoption of lac culture technology by farmers as subsidiary occupation for generating extra income.
- Adoption of wormi composting by unemployed rural youth as an enterprise for self-employment and are earning good profit.